All orders are shipped FedEx Ground unless otherwise specified with your order. FedEx Ground shipping times vary and may take 1-7 business days depending on your location, once your order has shipped. Our warehouses are in Stockton, CA 95206 so feel free to reference the map below to get an approximate shipping time to your location.
Expedited Shipping
If you would prefer an expedited shipping service, please select your shipping method during checkout and note your in-hand delivery date in the comments box. Please note: Due to FedEx delays, expedited orders may not ship out until the next business day.
Residential vs. Commercial Shipping Addresses
Residential address shipments are shipped via FedEx Home with delivery days of Tuesday-Saturday and commercial address shipments are shipped via FedEx Ground with delivery days of Monday-Friday.
Package Signature Options
To Waive the Signature for Delivery, you must be shipping to an owner/operators home/office, corporate employee residence or a commercial location. If there is not someone there at the time of delivery, the delivery driver will leave the package if he/she deems the drop off location for the package as suitable. There are areas set forth by the local delivery centers that if you do choose to waive the signature, they will still not leave your items and will require a signature. In that event they will leave a note and make up to 3 attempts to deliver the items at which time if they are unsuccessful, the package will be sent back to Way To Be.
**Note: If your order is a residential shipment for an owner/operator or corporate employee, you may choose to waive the signature for your shipment only if the value of the order is less than $300 (excluding shipping & taxes). All other shipments will be shipped with signatures required and there will be an additional $5.25 FedEx charge applied in the shipping charges on your final invoice.
If a Signature Requirement is needed for delivery then there will be a $5.25 charge added to your shipping charges on your final invoice. All packages going to a residence will require a signature except those going to an owner/operator home/office or corporate employee and valued under $300 (excluding shipping & taxes). If someone is not there at the time of delivery, FedEx will make 3 delivery attempts to deliver your package with a person at the address over the age of 18. In the event that delivery with a signature is not successful, the package will be held at the local delivery hub for 5 business days for you to make arrangements to pick up your package. If it is not picked up in that time frame, the package will be sent back to Way To Be.
For expedited packages with a signature requirement: If the driver cannot obtain a signature, the delivery driver will not leave the package. This may delay your package longer than the time that you expected. For example, if you have paid to have your order shipped Next Day Air with a signature required and there is not a person over the age of 18 to sign for the package on the delivery day, the delivery driver will take the package with him/her and try to deliver the next business day which makes it a 2-day transit and not Next Day transit. If you have a deadline for your order, please take this into consideration.
International Shipping Information
For inquiries regarding international orders:

Expedited Shipping
If you would prefer an expedited shipping service, please select your shipping method during checkout and note your in-hand delivery date in the comments box. Please note: Due to FedEx delays, expedited orders may not ship out until the next business day.
Residential vs. Commercial Shipping Addresses
Residential address shipments are shipped via FedEx Home with delivery days of Tuesday-Saturday and commercial address shipments are shipped via FedEx Ground with delivery days of Monday-Friday.
Package Signature Options
To Waive the Signature for Delivery, you must be shipping to an owner/operators home/office, corporate employee residence or a commercial location. If there is not someone there at the time of delivery, the delivery driver will leave the package if he/she deems the drop off location for the package as suitable. There are areas set forth by the local delivery centers that if you do choose to waive the signature, they will still not leave your items and will require a signature. In that event they will leave a note and make up to 3 attempts to deliver the items at which time if they are unsuccessful, the package will be sent back to Way To Be.
**Note: If your order is a residential shipment for an owner/operator or corporate employee, you may choose to waive the signature for your shipment only if the value of the order is less than $300 (excluding shipping & taxes). All other shipments will be shipped with signatures required and there will be an additional $5.25 FedEx charge applied in the shipping charges on your final invoice.
If a Signature Requirement is needed for delivery then there will be a $5.25 charge added to your shipping charges on your final invoice. All packages going to a residence will require a signature except those going to an owner/operator home/office or corporate employee and valued under $300 (excluding shipping & taxes). If someone is not there at the time of delivery, FedEx will make 3 delivery attempts to deliver your package with a person at the address over the age of 18. In the event that delivery with a signature is not successful, the package will be held at the local delivery hub for 5 business days for you to make arrangements to pick up your package. If it is not picked up in that time frame, the package will be sent back to Way To Be.
For expedited packages with a signature requirement: If the driver cannot obtain a signature, the delivery driver will not leave the package. This may delay your package longer than the time that you expected. For example, if you have paid to have your order shipped Next Day Air with a signature required and there is not a person over the age of 18 to sign for the package on the delivery day, the delivery driver will take the package with him/her and try to deliver the next business day which makes it a 2-day transit and not Next Day transit. If you have a deadline for your order, please take this into consideration.
International Shipping Information
For inquiries regarding international orders: